103 Racecourse Rd, Rutherford NSW
Acquired in Feb-20, this dual property and business portfolio includes 17,705 sqm in total site area. Located in Rutherford NSW as part of the fast growing NSW Hunter Valley the properties were a mixture of ranch and warehouse style self-storage areas for 4,840 sqm in NLA. Significant vacant hardstand land provided for future development. Storage King were engaged to professionally manage the facility as an operating partner.
In 2021, a DA was secured for four (4) new dual storey self-storage buildings on the hardstand areas. In 2022, we completed the first stage of this expansion to provide a new institutional grade self-storage facility complete with a new shopfront and an additional 2,800 sqm of NLA. As a result of this expansion, the self-storage portfolio in Rutherford offers 7,640 sqm of NLA with further ability to expand at a later stage.